9600d98046c092d0a1c514bea740b6c9baf0db06 original

Market Front Door Greeters

Arlington EATS (Formerly known a...

9600d98046c092d0a1c514bea740b6c9baf0db06 original

  • Gallagher
  • Gallagher

  • Welcome our shoppers

    Upcoming Dates


    04:00 PM - 06:00 PM

    Shoppers arrive early for the opening of the Market. We need friendly, patient and personable people to greet people as they arrive. This may involve answering questions like, when does the Market open? (5:30PM) Gentle reminders of line etiquette (e.g. Please don't walk on the garden). Our greeters are an essential element of the experience.

    74 Pleasant Street, Arlington, MA, USA

    EATS Market @ St. John's Church

    Volunteers needed: 0

    Sign In Sign up

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